However, in the coming months I will truly be without borders!
It has been a long time coming...
I think that this blog will be an excellent way to communicate with you all, barring completely unreliable internet service of course, which will be an experience in its own right. When was the last time I wasn't able to check my email at the snap of my finger, google subway directions and midtown cross-streets, research acronyms and random french phrases?
This will be a place to record my experiences and adventures, trials and tribulations and general wanderings of my overactive imagination and roving mind...
Speak soon,

Bring it on! I look forward to hearing about your work. And that bit about holding onto your idealism? I sincerely, very sincerely, wish you luck. If anyone can do it, you can.
I've just read everything that you posted, i am very excited to hear from you!
I knew you would fall in love with the people over there.
We are missing you loads!
And remember what Alexander the Great once said...
I am very proud of you
HOMES!!! i love you and am so happy that you arrived safely. i'm so excited for you! what an amazing girl you are! keep me updated, philly misses you.
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