Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Aminou, LARE and Too Much Too Say!

So much has been going on in the past week I haven't even had the time to write a proper blog...I take notes everyday and one of these days will have the energy to sit down and type it all out. I am learning so much about Togo's solar commmunity and have been making some major inroads. I am currently in sweaty, dusty Lomé, having spent the entire day at the Ministry of Education with one of the country's 3 (yes, three) renewable energy experts.

Doors are starting to open and the possibilities are becoming real and endless...it is interesting how small the world and government are in a place like togo...for all of its corruption and formality, the "solar energy sector" is tiny and the man I am with, LARE Damessanou, is very forhthcoming, motivated and helpful. There are still many many questions to be answered, dots to connect and cards to be held close to the chest, but I think I am finally getting somewhere.

I have been visiting existing installations in the country and, most importantly, think that I have found my team...Aminou, an electrician in Kpalimé with kind eyes who has been judged harshly by his community and excelled all the same, and his team of young apprentices, have dabbled in solar and are ready to learn and apply.

I am once again nestled in close with friends in Kpalimé and feel at one with the squeaking of the Fanmilk man, the familiar smells of burning garbage and licorice smelling soap, and, of course, the second season of the Yovo Show.

Much more to come...you can always count on me to elaborate.

Myeadogo -

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