While I have my opinion on what the outcome of the election will almost certainly be, all I can do is hope, both personally and professionally, that the government, the opposition and the population can find a balance of non-violence during the campaigns and the election. May peaceful means of protest be tolerated and violence towards the status quo be restrained.
Here are a few links to Togolese election news:
http://allafrica.com/stories/201002171118.html (Togo's First Female Candidate! Although she withrew fearing fraudulent results and in protest of flawed electoral processes...joining the main opposition party, the UFC, who withdrew in mid-February)

More on the UFC withdrawal here:
Five Opposition Parties come together under the umbrella of FRAC in support of new UFC candidate Jean-Pierre Fabre:
More information on Jean-Pierre Fabre - interesting character - can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Fabre

And here is his campaign site and the UFC site (en francais):
http://www.fabre-togo.com/biographie-de-jean-pierre-fabre.php; http://www.ufctogo.com/-Historique-.html
Et bien sur, the RPT (ruling party of President Faure) site, synonymous with the official site of the Republic of Togo:
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