Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paix Avant Tous

My thoughts will be with Togo and preoccupied for the next 24-48 hours...hoping for peace and nonviolence during Presidential Elections. I hope that as many of the Togolese population are able to vote, in safety, above all.

There appears to be an indescribable group of Togolese youth, mobilized and passionate, ready to contest a fraudulent election...truly ready to "die to extract from the ruling party's hand a victory for the opposition." And "take to the streets to reclaim victory, if the ruling power ever tries to steal this vote." I am simultaneously and uncomfortably proud and terrified. Please keep my friends safe.

Last minute election news:

Incumbent Faces Strong Challenge at Polls

A Crucial Opportunity for the Country

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

UN Chief Calls for Peaceful Polls

En Francais:

(From Faure and the RPT)

Aujourd'hui 4 mars 2010 - Les Togolais ont rendez-vous avec leur destin

Fin de campagne, démonstration de forces!

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